Travelling Exhibition '52'
Observation, drawing and hand embroiders of local birds, found feathers and forest debris are all part of this series. illustrate the birds’ similarity to us in daily life. This series will consist on 52 small works, one done every week during 2017. Some are a character assassination, while others show the strength and lightness, the ugly and beautiful characters of our local birds. various techniques will be developed and include hand embroidery, watercolour and experimental multimedia.
The theme continues with feathers, flowers, plants and discarded detritus to create an engaging and eclectic exhibition to inspire and connect viewers to the local flora and environment in new ways.
My first solo exhibition in 2018 I explored experimental works on paper and the unpredictable effects of rain on my observational drawings. The unique patterns that are achieved with each tropical downpour are then layered with ink and drawing. This combination of my observational drawings, using ink and pencils with each rain event, pushes the work to an uncontrolled result, as random and erratic as the downpours of the tropics. It reminds us all the unpredictability of the environment and our inability to control and subdue to our will.